I WISH I WERE BRITISH. The Brexit impact.
"I wish I were British" is a series of self-portraits investigating the relationship between personal identity and freedom of movement. I moved to London with my partner five years ago. We were able to come and stay here thanks to our Italian passport. The UK seemed to offer good opportunities and we decided to invest our time, energy, and money in this country. Then Brexit happened. This project is my own way of processing the experience of Brexit and the state of uncertainty that we, as EU migrants, find ourselves in. More broadly, "I wish I were British" is about the rights and privileges we are entitled to on the basis of our nationality. I looked at this from an artistic perspective and, for how impossible it is, I imagined that wearing a "British celebrity mask" could be enough to become a British citizen.
https://iwishiwerebritish.com/ if you wanted to take part!
https://iwishiwerebritish.com/ if you wanted to take part!